
Health and Wellness tips on returning to our new normal

Published August 11 2021
4 minute read
The coronavirus pandemic is having a huge impact on our mental health. Being aware and talking about our own mental health and supporting our family and friends with theirs is more crucial now than it ever has been before.

We’ve teamed up with Cardiff based Life Coach, Leah Sian Davies, to share tips and advice on “creating experiences to bring people back to life post-COVID!” The thought of leaving our homes and re-integrating back into society can feel really daunting for a lot of us – we’ve got used to this safe bubble we find ourselves in.

Leah has a long history of working supporting and coaching people through tough times in their lives. Her career started with a challenging yet rewarding role working with teens and substance misuse through to most recently where Leah runs online coaching and workshops for adults who need extra support and guidance.

Leah’s other projects include the ‘Soulful Sunrise’ morning raves, which are currently on pause due to covid and her ‘Fresh Air Fridays’ head clearing monthly wellness sessions around Bute Park, Cardiff.

Leah’s passion and mission is to create experiences to bring people back to life – an inspiring motto we could all learn from “I want to help people who have had a tough time to be happy and enjoy life.”

Our favourite quote of the pandemic is “It’s ok not to be ok”. And it really is! The world is re-opening around us, here are Leah’s top 5 ways to take care of yourself post lockdown:

1 – Set kind boundaries
There may be a lot of excitement and eagerness for social gatherings, and you might be busting to get out and meet everyone again, or maybe not. If you are feeling at all anxious about socialising again, take some time to think about what you’re ok with and not ok with for now. It might be that you’re happy to meet with 1 or 2 people, but not with a group, or you’re not ok with hugging.

Have a think about your own personal boundaries and how you might set expectations with others. Remember we will all have different ideas and expectations coming out of lockdown and that’s ok.

2. Keeping your healthy new habits 
You may have really enjoyed some aspects of lockdown and have some new routines and habits that you want to keep in your life. Have a think about what you’ve really enjoyed over the last year – maybe spending time cooking and eating with your family, a new morning routine, saying no to things more often, connecting with people in different ways. If the pace of life is going to pick up for you post lockdown, make a plan of how you want to keep the good stuff going.

3. Don’t dwell on what you ‘didn’t do’
DO NOT beat yourself up for not using the lockdown time ‘productively’. Maybe you thought you would learn something new, do more exercise, cook more etc. Remember that we have never lived through a global pandemic before! The collective anxiety and uncertainty has taken up a lot of our energy – so be gentle and forgiving with yourself and have perspective. Over a lifetime this is still a small amount of time – you are not behind.

4. What do you want to let go of? 
This time has given us a chance to revaluate our life and we have had to let go of a lot of things. Maybe there are some things that you thought you couldn’t live without, but actually you’ve managed just fine.

If life has felt hectic and chaotic in the past, how can you simplify things? What can you now say no to?

Letting go and saying no to things, makes space for us to say yes to the things that really matter to us.

5. Explore the great outdoors
Many of us have found a new level of appreciation for nature on our daily walks this year. The fact we haven’t been able to do much else has forced us to slow down and notice what’s right on our doorstep. (You may now be bored by what’s on your doorstep!)

One thing it’s taught us, is that no matter what the weather we can still get outside, and as humans, that is where we belong – in green spaces.  With summer nearly here, being outside is one of the best things we can do for our whole well-being. So, make some plans to explore beyond your doorstep.

To find out more about Leah and for more health and wellness tips, visit Leahsiandavies.co.uk  

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